NGC 4232
This image is taken from within the constellation Canes Venatici. My intention was to capture as many galaxies as I could within an image and have them resolvable at a focal length of 840mm.
NGC 4231 and NGC 4232 are the two galaxies at the center of this image. NGC 4232 is a Spiral Galaxy in the Canes Venatici constellation. NGC 4232 and NGC 4231 are situated north of the celestial equator and, as such, are more easily visible from the northern hemisphere. NGC 4231 is a Lenticular Galaxy.
NGC 4218 is an intermediate spiral galaxy between NGC 4232 and M 106. It is 57 million light-years from Earth.
The giant in the image is Messier 106. It is an intermediate spiral galaxy about 23 million light-years from earth. It is one of the largest and brightest nearby galaxies, similar in size and luminosity to the Andromeda Galaxy.
NGC 4217 is an edge-on spiral galaxy at the top of the image, which lies approximately 60 million light-years away. It is a possible companion galaxy to Messier 106. One supernova, SN 2022myz (type I, mag. 19), was discovered in NGC 4217 on 19 June 2022.
To the bottom left is the spiral galaxy, NGC 4220. Estimated at 63.8 million light-years away.